A New School Year: Time to Check your Thinking

It's that time of year!  The words "Back to School" ring loud in the ears of parents, students and educators. Schools, families, businesses and communities are hearing the rally cry and readying themselves for the inauguration of a new school year!! Some are celebrating the new start and others are bracing for a new year and the anxiety about the unknown.

As we busy ourselves with back to school shopping and a return to more routine in our daily lives, I think it is equally important to prepare emotionally and mentally as adults who love and/or work with students with autism. It is well documented that our mental attitude and our thoughts play a huge role in shaping our reality.


Time for a Check on your Thinking…

Is your mind harboring resentment about what resources you don’t have?

Are you going into the year in 'fight mode?'

Are you ‘stewing in your own juice’ about the lack of support your child with autism will...


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